Craft Nights and Afternoons for our Bazaar Christmas in July on Saturday July 20th
Save these Craft Dates!
We will be meeting 6:30 to 8:30pm weeknights plus some Saturday mornings from 10am to noon and Thursdays from 11:30 am to 2 pm
Come as you can and stay as little or as long as you like. We are very flexible! No crafting experience necessary - we have plenty of supplies!
Come join us in the class room near the office from 6:30 to 8:30 pm on Tuesday May 21st, Tuesday May 28th, Friday May 31st,
Tuesday June 4th, Thursday June 6th, Saturday June 8th at 10am-noon, Tuesday June 11th, Thursday June 13th, Tuesday June 18th, Thursday June 20th, at 6:30to 8:30pm, Saturday June 22nd at 10am-noon,Tuesday June 25th and Thursday June27th.
Thursdays will be Bring a Bag Lunch Craft Day. What fun to have Food, Fellowship and Fun at 11:30 to 2pm Bring your Friends and Family to come join us!