As part of Women’s Ministries at Christ Chapel, we now have an active Prayer Shawl ministry which has become a blessing not only to the recipients of the shawls but also for those of us who gather twice a month to knit, crochet and fellowship. The purpose of this ministry is to provide simple, small lap throws or shawls for those in our congregation or community for whom we are praying and who could use a tangible sign of God’s love for them. This would include those recovering from an illness or surgery, shut-ins or those in a Nursing Home for example.
We meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month from 10:00 am to 12 noon in the church library. If you don’t knit or crochet but would like to learn, this is a great place to start, or you may simply wish to donate some yarn or needles………there are many ways to be a part of this ministry.
For more information, contact Tricia Hotchkiss at#508-566-2250 or at