Have your ever considered what your personal ministry might be? Many of us who are middle-aged or beyond wonder, "Where does God the Father want me to minister and be the instrument of His love?" Have you ever wondered how God might use you in the years you have left to serve Him?
The purpose of this ministry is to equip believers to offer the hope and the fellowship of Jesus Christ to people and families affected by cancer.
As a member of "the priesthood of believers" we are called to be both students of the Word as well as doers of the Word. One very tangible way in which you and I can be doers of the Word is to offer the hope and fellowship of Jesus Christ to people and families in our community who are in the midst of dealing with terminal illness. Equipped with the love of Christ, we can offer real spiritual encouragement to people in crisis. This important ministry is not the exclusive prerogative of clergy. It is also open to "lay ministers," who have been moved by God and prepared to understand and come alongside those individuals and families victimized by cancer.
If you are interested in offering the hope and fellowship of Jesus Christ to people struggling with terminal illness, then please plan to attend a meeting on Saturday, December 30, 2017 , 9:30am – 11:30am here at Christ Chapel.
The purpose of this meeting is twofold: (1) to learn more about the ministry of Our Journey of Hope, and (2) to encourage your prayerful consideration about becoming part of a team of people from Christ Chapel who will be equipped to bring the hope and fellowship of Jesus Christ to people and families affected by cancer.
If you have any questions, please contact me either by email, phone, or after church. Please pray and ask the Lord for His direction as to how you can help bring the hope and fellowship of Jesus Christ to individuals and families affected by cancer. Steve Duncan; BertrandSDuncan@Comcast.net 508 737 2676
And may the Lord bless you as you pray for His will to be revealed to you regarding this important ministry.